
"No matter what you do, your job is to tell your story."


Though a complete introvert, I love public speaking!! There’s an adrenaline rush I get from standing in front of a huge audience, connecting with individuals in the audience, and needing to think of my feet. I especially love talks that go off script. The more I’m forced to ad lib, the more fun it is.

Over the years I've delivered more than 100 talks at conferences, universities, and companies around the world. Topics have ranged from career development for young scientists to building responsible AI programs in corporations.

Public speaking is my favorite, but I’m also passionate about communicating science to any audience in any format. Here’s a sample of my other outreach:


I've participated in dozens of interviews with major media outlets to discuss research. Click on icons to the right to see a sample of interviews with The New York Times, NPRand more. I've also been a guest on podcasts with The JAMA Network and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service.


Blogging is a great excuse to talk about complex, messy data science in a way that is fun and engaging! In addition to my own blogs, I've written guest blogs and columns in the past for PLOS, Beyond Chron, and Weighty Matters 


In 2016, I co-designed a new Coursera course - "Systems Science and Obesity" - in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University. The course provided an introduction to several types of complex systems modeling. Visit this Coursera website to watch my videos on system dynamics.